Policy Dimensions

OECD Digital Government Index

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Digital government is essential to transform government processes and services in ways that improve the responsiveness and reliability of the public sector. The OECD Digital Government Index assesses countries’ digital government by looking at the comprehensiveness of strategies and initiatives in place to be able to leverage data and technology to deliver a whole-of-government and human-centric digital transformation of the public sector. The assessment is based on the six dimensions of the OECD Digital Government Policy Framework: 1) digital by design, 2) data-driven public sector, 3) government as a platform, 4) open by default, 5) user-driven, and 6) proactiveness (see notes). The DGI is a composite index that takes values from 0 to 1, where 1 indicates the highest digital government maturity and 0 indicates low and/or fragmented progress across organisations.


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